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Clean, Renewable & Sustainable

Morwind is a Collaborative Developer driving floating offshore wind projects forward to realise the potential of the south west

wind farm

Our Mission

The wind is changing and we are changing with it.

Morwind was incorporated in 2020 as a regionally-focused developer operating across the SW Seas:


A South-West based developer driven by a commitment to accelerate decarbonisation through floating offshore wind energy.

In delivering floating offshore wind energy in South West Seas we aim to create and secure long term value and regional advantages for our local communities, environment and economy establishing the UK’s position as a frontrunner in deployment and innovation.

We embrace marine stewardship and are guided by the ambition to maximise local, regional and national benefits from the sustainable development of our natural resources.

Is innovating through connecting and collaborating with our stakeholders to unlock the potential of relationships that will promote innovation, efficiencies and social impact. We favour partnership-based development to capture lessons learned from previous offshore experience, facilitate innovation and build on existing regional expertise in the sector.



  • Embedded within the offshore wind sector in the UK and overseas
  • Initiated and co-developed R1, R2 and R3 projects within the UK
  • Provided consenting support to over 35 GW of offshore wind around the world
  • Delivered marine resource, energy and infrastructure management and development in UK waters for over 30 years

Deep rooted UK knowledge

  • In-depth knowledge of the UK marine environment, consenting and development sectors
  • Strong relationships with key stakeholders, legal and technical resources
  • Longstanding relationships in the SW region – communities; offshore businesses; universities; public sector

the morwind team

Over 150 years combined of marine renewable energy, infrastruture and natural resource development experience.


Ben leads Morwind.  He has a wealth of experience with over 22 years offshore and renewable energy experience, supporting projects for major developers across the sector in all UK leasing rounds, throughout the development lifecycle.  Ben provides oversight and project definition with particular focus on techical and engineering development. 


Peter has been at the forefront of the offshore wind power industry since the first proposals in UK waters more than 25 years ago.  Throughout this time he has been involved with major developments including London Array and is particularly focussed on site selection, grid, technology and infrastructure development.  


Steve has a background in EIA, marine planning and consenting with 30 years’ experience and has been involved in UK offshore wind for 20 years. Drawing upon his consultancy experience, as a project developer Steve leads site selection and development, risk appraisal, bid development and consenting including statutory stakeholder engagement. Steve works closely with Tim.


Ian has been leading sea bed natural resource management and infrastructure development for over 3 decades, most recently with The Crown Estate.  Ian oversees relationships, ESG and provides expert input on the sea bed and physical environment.


Michael is a chartered accountant with a background in international development and decades of experience in renewable energy.  Michael has a commercial focus around agreements, risk, budget & programme control and also has extensive experience of grid and offshore wind development issues.


Tim is an experienced EIA renewable and marine development specialist who has focused on UK offshore wind since the early 2000’s. Having spent 30 years as a consultant, as a project developer Tim brings this experience to the team, providing strategic leadership on development consenting, EIA, environmental survey and stakeholder engagement (regulator and SNCB).

A commitment

We strive to encourage collaboration between private and public sectors to remove barriers, develop key infrastructure and optimise the expansion of the local and UK supply chain.

At Morwind we take a partnership-based development approach to facilitate innovation and diversity in thinking.

Our goal is to develop a pipeline of commercial, large-scale Floating offshore wind projects in the UK EEZ with initial focus on the South West peninsula.

We take a responsible risk-based approach to development activities and investment

The resource

The South West seas offer some of the largest and least constrained wind resource areas in the UK, with clear potential for projects south, west and north around the SW Peninsula.

The big idea

Floating offshore wind represents the next step in realising the benefits renewable energy can deliver Regionally, Nationally and Internationally, securing achievement of our Net Zero goals.

Benefits for the future

We are proud to be championing the potential benefits that can be delivered to the local and UK supply chain, to local and regional communities and in ensuring energy sustainability for future generations.

Sustainability Impact

Maximising the economic, social and environmental impacts and benefits for the South-West

Floating offshore wind is identified across the SW as a key pillar for growth as part of local industrial clusters

Achieving Net Zero by 2050 requires the SW to optimise the exploitation of its abundant natural capital and reinvigorate its industrial heritage and pioneering culture

Academic and Research Excellence

The SW hosts a community of world class business and research assets in marine renewables and marine autonomy

Catalysing Innovation in the South West

Working with a range of sectors and partners across the region driving new development, jobs and growth to increase prosperity, social impact and community benefits

Floating Offshore Wind Leasing Round 5 – competition timetabled for 2024.

The competition for floating offshore wind sites in the Celtic Sea is timetabled for 2024. The Crown Estate has released details of the LR5 competition for sea bed rights in its Information Memorandum – see here.  Leasing Round 5 is intended to establish a new...

Offshore Wind Leasing Round 5

On 4 July 2023 The Crown Estate announced an update to the delayed Celtic Sea Floating Wind tender which is now known as Offshore Wind Leasing Round 5. Morwind welcomes the update which can be viewed here. The first tender competition in the Celtic Sea will now focus...

The Crown Estate Market Update October 2022

10 October 2022 – The Crown Estate Press Release Morwind has welcomed the latest update from The Crown Estate which outlines its evolving thoughts about the latest refinements to the Areas of Search (now reduced to 5 potential areas) and the competitive leasing...

The Crown Estate announces Celtic Sea Floating Offshore Wind Areas of Search

On 5 July 2022, The Crown Estate announced the areas (see below) that may be developed for floating wind in the Celtic Sea, described as ‘a region rich in natural resources, including world-class wind resource that can be developed with floating turbines’.     ...

RenewableUK establishes Floating Wind Task Force

RenewableUK has established a Floating Offshore Wind Task Force with key stakeholders to ensure that the UK stays at the forefront of this cutting-edge technology, creating thousands of new jobs and attracting billions in private investment.   RenewableUK and the...

The Crown Estate sets out its ambition for the Celtic Sea

The Crown Estate outlines its ambition to see development of 4GW of floating wind in the Celtic Sea, which is defined as the waters in the region around the South Wales coast and the South West peninsula by 2035, enough to power almost four million homes. ...